
71 South Los Carneros Road, California +51 174 705 812


Leehove 40, 2678 MC De Lier, Netherlands +31 174 705 811

I have always admired the Belgian knack for brewing strong beers that strike a remarkable balance between bold flavours and world-class drinkability. This beer aims to emulate the hallmarks of that most excellent tradition, and to se a new personal record as the strongest beer we have yet to produce.

Despite its formidable potency, this Tripple-inspired libation is deceptively smooth and intriguingly fruity, tart and vivacious on the pallet. Gentle hopping and a true Abbey-style yeast create a harmony of complex fruit and baking spice aromatics, while a decidedly unholy dose of raspberry puree provides a balancing acidity and ingratiating fruit jam character and gorgeous pink/red hue. Proost!

  • ABV: 9.0%
  • Available IN: 650ml Bomber / On tap
  • PROFILE: Fruit, Spice Aromatics, Raspberry
A bottle of seasonal craft beer from Vancouver Island on a black background

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