
71 South Los Carneros Road, California +51 174 705 812


Leehove 40, 2678 MC De Lier, Netherlands +31 174 705 811

Our Fruited Super Sour Wheat is brewed with a mouth watering, creamy blend of bananas and mango. It will get you started with large tropical citrus fruit forward aromas, and finishes with an unexpected tangy, tart surprise!

As the title of this beer suggests, it is citrus fruit forward, with strong ester combined with ripe, tropical sweetness. We intended this playful combination to tease you before a tart and tangy sour explosion.

  • ABV: 4.8%
  • Available IN: 473ml Cans
  • PROFILE: Fruit Forward, Tropical Sweetness
Two cans of craft beer from Vancouver Island, one filled with a seasonal red liquid, next to another can of the same

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