
71 South Los Carneros Road, California +51 174 705 812


Leehove 40, 2678 MC De Lier, Netherlands +31 174 705 811

June 21, 200, under a blood red moon, Victoria's calm radio landscape was torn asunder by a meteor crashing into the Salish Sea, heralded by the sound of "Rock Show." A Frequency was borne: The Zone @ 91-3.

That Guy, 139 Bands of the Month, 8 Bear Weeks, 6 car giveaways, 3 Big Ass Money Lights, and 19 years later, we're finally legal! Celebrate with us. Enjoy this Limited run birthday batch HefeweiZONE.

This full-bodied and juicy wheat ale pours a rich red and forms a dense flavourful head. Wheat and barley malts provide a soft base for aromatic and zesty citrus notes. Brewed with a traditional weizen yeast and heavy dose of blood orange, this ale combines elements to create a fruit-forward yet refreshing balance.

  • ABV: 4.9%
  • Available IN: 473ml Cans
  • PROFILE: Zesty Citrus, Fruity, Refreshing
A can of craft beer on a black background
Seasonal Beers

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