
71 South Los Carneros Road, California +51 174 705 812


Leehove 40, 2678 MC De Lier, Netherlands +31 174 705 811

Whether you're on the boat, on the beach, or around the campfire, there is nowhere better than the lake, and we have created the perfect beer to match that vibe.

Locally brewed in small batches, Laketown is clean, crisp, carefully lagered and clarified to provide you with the most easy-going craft beer experience wherever your lake may be. 

  • ABV: 4.8%
  • Available IN: 355ml Cans / On tap
  • PROFILE: Clean, Bright, & Crisp
Three cans of seasonal craft beer from Vancouver Island, featuring Red Arrow's Laketown Lager
Seasonal Beers

Looking for something
a little more seasonal?